Hello! I'm BlackMafia. Because many people, like noone, feel alone in soldat I and LORD KILLA decided to create this community, specialy for you little retarded kids playing soldat. That was joke of course. Well, let's stop joking =). Nerds of Soldat [NoS]  is a soldat community for everybody who have ever played soldat, newbies, professionals, experts, scripters, even noobs :). We'll try to run servers permanently, but we can't promise everything will work as we hope. So you may ask "What is this all for? You guys have nothing to do? No life? Just hope getting friends by setting up a nerdy community?" The answer to this is: It's for nothing =) It's just for all the players out there and we actually don't want anything in return from you. But hey don't ask me such stupid questions, I'm not a doctorand so I can't keep up such an intelligent phrase the whole time, so don't make me feel dumb xP. So if you wanna join this community just ask me [kesharamisami] or LK [lordkilla0] on xFire, or just go to our Forum and request membership. You also can reach me by msn (look it up in the forum). We will try to respond you as fast as we can but don't get upset if we can't handle your request in 5 minutes =x. And last but not least: We take this serious and don't joke around, we will work hard for making this comminuty a masterpiece and no dip of shit, so please try to do same and don't act like some dumb retarded kid on the Forum or on our Servers. See you ingame!

P.S. Special thanks to Ahacoi|DeViL, best friend ever... ^^


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